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Accessory Tools

- Oil & Bumper Jars

- Drill Collars

- Power Swivels

- Wash Pipe

- Burning Shoes

- Junk Mills

- Tri-Cone Drill Bits

- External Cutters

- Internal Cutters

-Tubing & Casing Patches

Rental Equipment

- Casing Scrappers

- Safety Valves

- Slip Type Elevators - LYT, MYT, YT, HYT

- Shoulder & Bottleneck Elevators

- Loop Bails

- Adaptor Spools

- X-Overs

- Pump Bailers

Service Tools

- Squeeze Packers

- Retrievable Bridge Plugs

- Cement Retainers

Fishing Tools

- External Catch Overshots - Series 10, 20, 70, 150, 160

- Full Line Cased Hole Fishing

- Internal Catch Releasing Spears

- Swages

- Bits                                   

- Wash Pipe

- Lead Impression Blocks

- T-Dog Overshots

- Box Taps & Taper Taps

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